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Qigong is sometimes called “Taoist yoga” and is related to Taijichuan and Kung fu. Qigong reminds us that being in harmony with the world fosters contentment and as human beings, we must move in accordance with natural laws and with the seasons. These archetypal movements represent a structure, which we may use to perceive the truth of who we are in this moment. The more subtly attuned we are to the present moment the more harmonized we are with the world and the closer we come to our original destiny.

Qigong has been known to empower the following attributes:

~engage the mind, body and spirit in a vital physical practice
~increase energy and vitality
~lose weight and gain strength, naturally
~relieve tension and stress, stagnation and blockages
~regain a sense of spaciousness and possibility
~tap into the harmony and opportunity in the universe
~overcome obstacles to personal, spiritual growth
~awaken to one’s true nature

In a workshop participants will learn powerful archetypal movements that help to harmonize the human body, spirit and entire being with the cycles of nature.  Possible workshops include entire repertoire of Mogadao seasonal transitions (Yijing I, Spring to Summer; Yijing II, Summer to Autumn; Yijing III, Autumn to Winter;  and Yijing IV, Winter to Spring) the 5-phase Yin and 5-phase Yang forms, and Morning Medical Qigong.

In addition participants can:

~ Receive helpful tips on how to begin a personal, physical practice
~ Get private instruction on the specific qigong forms
~ Learn the importance of breathing in the qigong process

Atithi is a certified Mogadao qigong Guide, yoga instructor and Sacred Sexuality teacher. To find out more go to Spirit Dome Qigong.