Tantra is: Sensual!
Dear friends, We continue the introductory Tantra series with the theme of Sensuality. The term sensuality, comes from 'senses', but in English has the connotation of something that is 'leading to' erotic. As humans living in this modern world it is very easy and far too common that we lose touch with our bodies. We [...]
Tantra is: Heart!
In Tantra the heart serves the purpose of unifying human spirit with the material body. As such it is the spiritual center of a human being and therefore a topic of primary importance for anyone seeking self- knowledge and personal integrity. The heart is the center of compassion and unconditional love. In this event [...]
Tantra is: Dance!
Tantra is: Dance! Let's party in a different way.....No alcohol, no smoke, just our bodies moving, expressing and raising energy in the purity of totally authentic movement. We will dance all together or by ourselves, whatever is true in the moment! When you allow your body to move as if nothing else exists [...]