[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”5″ gal_title=”Just Woman”]

Let us… meet! Meet our true nature, the women we are. Let us experience our ecstatic nature with an awareness of our true power and the strength of our unique heritage. The experience of our divine root and the connection with the vastness of our hearts engenders meeting with love and respect, and taking care of one another. Together we will discover and embody all the aspects of our feminine nature and cherish who we are in the moment… letting go of old pain, wounds, patterns and barriers; and learning how to take care of ourselves, how to say no and how to say yes! Let us feel alive, full of energy and ready to explore life. Let us dance, passionately dance our way through life; let us be “just” women!

We will use dance, breathing, visualization, rituals, massage, meditation, awareness techniques and sharing. Together we will create a safe and nourishing container for all of us to be and explore in love, trust and awareness.