For location and contact information in Polish please scroll down.

Are you excited by the thought of connecting with someone deeply from the very first meeting… and then begin a sustainable relationship? Do you long for the confidence to live truly and freely in your sexual life?

In our world today there is little time or space for the kind of intimacy that most people need to feel really open in body, heart and mind. This kind of intimacy is what we all need to feel happy, alive and healthy and is a fundamental characteristic of sacred sexuality.

Nowadays it is not uncommon that when lovers meet there is a rush of emotion, passion and sex that flares out all too quickly leaving each person bewildered and confused and then, alone… again.

Humanity is in need of an awakening to its senses!

Imagine now that you grew up within a cultural context of sexuality existing in equal partnership alongside values such as love, freedom and truth. Envision yourself enjoying the sensual pleasure of living with an open mind and an open heart in an inclusive world where all forms of sexuality are celebrated naturally and shamelessly.

It is fortunate then that the Taoists, scientists of the human inner world, and Tantrikas, artists of human sensuality, were so keenly aware of the pitfalls of a life habituated by mass culture.

Antique Taoist Sexual Practices and Ancient Tantric Rituals are both grounded in the understanding that the body is a sacred vessel. Taoist self- cultivation techniques include various physical and energetic practices, which purify, revitalize and heal past traumas at the individual level. Tantric rituals and meditations nourish and cultivate the relationship with self, the other and world as the path toward wholeness and unity with the divine. In an atmosphere of openness and warmth we work with the feminine and masculine polarities cherished by both Taoist and Tantric traditions.

On the Path of Sacred Sexuality is a celebration of the human capacities of self-awareness, compassion, playfulness and authenticity. In this workshop participants will:

~ learn why sexuality is sacred

~ learn to drop masks imposed by society

~ get to know the truth about men’s and women’s orgasm

~ begin to accept and cherish one’s own limitations

~ learn techniques of self awareness and pleasure

~ feel a sense of openness and possibility

~ learn to perceive weaknesses as strengths

~ refine one’s ability to identify and attract a suitable mate

~ learn how to reject outdated self- perceptions

~ learn to create openness, depth and spaciousness in relationship

~ begin to live as love rather than to live for love

Come and explore the revitalizing and healing potential of sacred sexuality in a playful, safe and joyous environment. All are welcome regardless of prior experience, sexual orientation, age or any other designation. Participants need not be in a relationship to attend. Most importantly no one will ever be forced to go beyond one’s limits of what one feels is safe.

Atithi (from the U.S) and Kalpita (Greek) have been teaching Sacred Sexuality in the U.S, U.K, Poland and various countries of Europe, including many parts of Greece, where they make their home. Together and separately they have taught couples, men’s and women’s groups and private sessions. To the great benefit of their students and clients they have utilized each other as mirrors, working tirelessly to evolve their techniques as teachers, separately and as a couple. Their complimentary differences as individuals combined with their experience as teachers and as a couple on the path of Sacred Sexuality has proven to be a dynamic and sensitive force. They believe that a safe and sacred environment is the basis for personal transformation and spiritual evolution. Kalpita and Atithi have completed the Soul Mate training for couples with Ma Ananda Sarita of Osho’s Tantra lineage.

WAŻNE! Warsztat będzie prowadzony w języku angielskim, wymagana jest podstawowa znajomość j.angielskiego.

TERMIN: 25-26 listopada 2017
25.11 godz. 10.30-18.30
26.11 godz. 10.30-14.30

400 zł za osobę – przy wpłacie zaliczki w wysokości 200 zł do 10 listopada
450 zł za osobę- przy wpłacie zaliczki w wysokości 200 zł po 10 listopada lub w dniu rozpoczęcia warsztatu (w przypadku wolnych miejsc)
750 zł za parę – cena specjalna dla par

REZERWACJA MIEJSCA: Zgłoszenie poprzez wysłanie e-maila na adres: onthepath@wp.pl oraz wpłata zaliczki.
Uwaga – liczba miejsc ograniczona (tylko 12 osób), po wykorzystaniu limitu miejsc będzie tworzona lista oczekujących.

MIEJSCE WARSZTATU: CUD GROCHÓW – Studio Rozwoju i Edukacji, ul. Osowska 84a, Warszawa (Grochów), okolice ronda Wiatraczna