
On the Path of Sacred Sexuality- Milano, Italy- February 7-9,2020

Are you seeking a broader and yet embodied definition of sexuality? Are you interested in a sacred practice that has the power to feed the body, mind and spirit AND is rooted in two ancient traditions and thousands of years of practical experience?   This weekend event is designed to be an introduction to Tao [...]

On the Path of Sacred Sexuality- Milano, Italy- February 7-9,20202019-12-22T13:09:17+02:00

Awakening the Ecstatic Body- Osho Afroz, Lesvos, Greece

August 22nd-26th, 2020 “Ecstasy” is a term that is normally ascribed to sexual fulfilment or spiritual bliss.  Most of us in the west have grown up in a culture that teaches that sexual fulfilment is ‘sinful’ and spiritual bliss is not possible without renunciation of the body. In exact opposition to this view of life [...]

Awakening the Ecstatic Body- Osho Afroz, Lesvos, Greece2019-04-05T21:25:04+03:00

Prague, Czech Republic- On the Path of Sacred Sexuality

May 17th - 19th, 2019 On the Path of Sacred Sexuality is our signature event designed with everyone in mind!  Whether you're new to the idea of sex being 'sacred' or you've already been 'walking your path' for a while; whether you're in a committed, long term relationship, newly single or even celibate; regardless of your age, [...]

Prague, Czech Republic- On the Path of Sacred Sexuality2019-03-25T12:03:39+02:00

Qi Dance! The Dance of Yin & Yang ~ Portland, OR, USA

Are you longing to experience a more subtle and integrated sense of self? Are you interested in a uniquely transformative experience in movement? The terms Yin and Yang are one way the ancient Chinese sought to describe the dynamic and ever-changing experience of being human in the context of our natural world. Yin and yang [...]

Qi Dance! The Dance of Yin & Yang ~ Portland, OR, USA2017-06-13T12:24:54+03:00

Qi Dance! The Dance of Yin & Yang~ Hood River, OR, USA

Are you longing to experience a more subtle and integrated sense of self? Are you interested in a uniquely transformative experience in movement? The terms Yin and Yang are one way the ancient Chinese sought to describe the dynamic and ever-changing experience of being human in the context of our natural world. Yin and yang [...]

Qi Dance! The Dance of Yin & Yang~ Hood River, OR, USA2017-06-13T11:53:01+03:00

Tantra is…Breath!

Breath is our most constant and unceasing connection with our world.  When we breathe we are asking and receiving life force into our bodies.  It is therefore, important that we learn to breathe consciously and fully so as to completely nourish our entire being.  The way we breathe is also important because through conscious breath awareness [...]

Tantra is…Breath!2016-03-24T13:33:02+02:00

Private Qigong Healing Session

Qigong is used in Traditional Chinese clinics to treat a variety of acute and chronic illnesses, to relieve imbalances, pains and digestive disorders and to… ~ engage mind, body and spirit in a vital physical practice ~ increase energy and vitality ~ improve diet ~ lose weight and gain strength, naturally ~ relieve tension and [...]

Private Qigong Healing Session2016-01-15T02:43:23+02:00

Sacred Sexuality: Pleasure in Intimacy ~ A workshop for couples

Valentine’s Day weekend Saturday & Sunday, February 14th & 15th Are you… …in a new relationship or have you been together for many years? ~ Do you need more depth or energy in your relationship? Do you feel something is missing? ~ Do you feel your pleasure potential is wider than what you currently experience? [...]

Sacred Sexuality: Pleasure in Intimacy ~ A workshop for couples2015-02-14T18:56:12+02:00

Introduction to Sacred Daoist Sexuality

In most western cultures sexuality is seen as separate from the rest of life’s daily events. Most people don’t realize that sexual energy- the sense of wonder, joy and self-awareness that comes from intimacy with the self or a partner- is also responsible for the quality of attention and energy we bring to everything we [...]

Introduction to Sacred Daoist Sexuality2014-12-14T19:10:13+02:00


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