Daoist sexual practices are profound healing techniques that go back thousands of years. They include techniques for harnessing, cultivating and refunding creative, life-force energy to be used in our daily lives, for personal growth and in sacred, loving relationship. Mogadao Sacred Daoist Sexuality is a culture of self-reverence and personal transformation, which has adapted these ancient practices for the modern age.

“MogaDao Sacred Daoist Sexuality is an entire culture of sexual acceptance and refinement, and a celebration of Eros as a poetic necessity of the soul—and a call to one’s unique destiny.”~ Zhenzan Dao

This two-day workshop is designed with the individual in mind. “One can only get to the universal through the specific.”~ ZD A deep and meaningful relationship with the self is requisite for a healthy love connection with another. Apart from providing the potential for personal transformation, this work can only enhance one’s capacity for a deep spiritual connection with a lover whether or not that connection currently exists.

We will work with three fundamental aspects of Sacred Daoist Sexuality- self-cultivation techniques, internal alchemy and archetypal qigong- for increasing vitality and individual energetic sensitivity. We will also have sharing, discussion and fun all in a safe, open-minded and accepting environment. See the schedule below for more information.

Workshop Schedule:

Saturday the 17th, 10.00- 14.30

10.00 ~ Arrival & registration

10.30 ~ The origin and vision of Mogadao Sacred Sexuality

11.00 ~ Archetypal qigong for vitality and libido


12.00 ~ Internal Alchemy 12.30 ~ Discussion on diet and personal habits

13.00 ~ Men’s meeting (Women leave for the day)

• Men’s qigong

• Self-cultivation techniques for men

• Discussion and questions

Sunday the 18th, 10.00- 14.30

10.00 ~ Women’s meeting (Men arrive at 11.30)

• Women’s qigong

• Techniques of awakening the female sensual body

• Discussion on orgasm

11.30 ~ Internal Alchemy

12.00 ~ Chinese & western Sensual Terminology


12.45 ~ 5 Element yoga for awakening the senses

13.30 ~ Discourse on Sacred Daoist Sexuality (To be determined)

14.00 ~ Closing qigong ceremony